Changements rétiniens et angiooct comme un biomarqueur possible dans la phase préclinique de la maladie d’Alzheimer

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Orateurs :
Auteurs :
Martino V Di
A Chiaravalloti
A.e. Castellano
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Anatomical changes in Retina, since the pre-clinical onset of AD, represent the opportunity to identify the amyloid present in the CNS: not only the thinning of RFNL and the RCG retinal ganglion cell layer, but especially the narrowing and rarefaction of the circumfoveal vascular plexus identified and measured with AngioOCT.

Patients et Methodes

Patients with initial Cognitive Impairment submitted to: neuropsychological test, RMN and brain PET with tracer for amyloid. The characteristic trait of AD, beta-amyloid deposits in the brain is also present in the retina of these subjects; the study, investigating retinal vascular networks with AngioOCT highlights such alterations as possible AD Biomarker.


42 patients with mild Cognitive Impairment non Dementia (MCI) with CT-PET positive for beta amyloid deposits in the brain had similar retinal deposits by examination with AngioOCT, with decreasing vascular flow and rarefaction of vascular tree design, with highly significant frequency (100%), when compared with healthy groups of people of similar age.


42 subjects between 47 years old and 66, suffering from Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) according to current diagnostic criteria, have been included.

They underwent to:

complete neuropsychological assessment for MCI, including MMSE

Cerebral MRI and Amy-PET.

Complete ophthalmological examination in both eyes.

Macular OCT, RFNL, GCL+IPL by OCT were performed.

Finally Angio OCT examination was executed


The authors propose the possibility that the retinal and choroidal vascular alterations highlighted with AngioOCT in subjects with pre-AD, can represent an effective and economic Biomarker to diagnose this disease at the beginning.